Emergency Dentist Call Now!

24 Hour Emergency Dentist in Nassau County

Dr. Todd Kshonz
142 Union Ave
Lynbrook, NY 11563

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Nassau County Dental Emergency

Pain, ugh!


Emergency Dental services are beneficial. Everyone has a different pain threshold. In most cases, immediate dental care will is vital when someone has an abscessed tooth or a toothache. A Nassau County, Long Island emergency dentist, has a primary goal; the goal is to help patients with their pain issues 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inspecting the injured tooth is a critical step. If the tooth is not stabilized, the tooth and the surrounding tissue will become more damaged.


An emergency dentist offers temporary fixes. Advanced repair procedures can be used later. For example, if a patient needs a root canal, the dentist will remove the nerve tissue to relieve the pain. After the pain is reduced, the dentist will recommend a traditional and final dental procedure.


When To Visit An Emergency Dentist Nassau County – Most Common Dental Emergencies

 A lost tooth is also called an avulsed tooth. When someone has a lost tooth, the first step involves finding the tooth. Once the tooth is located, it needs to be gently rinsed with running water. Scrubbing the tooth will damage it, so don't. After the tooth is cleaned, call emergency dentists in Nassau County and bring the tooth with you. Store the tooth in water or a clean cloth.


A toothache is another common dental problem. In most cases, the pain can be challenging to diagnose. The pain is usually caused by a substance that is lodged near the tooth. However, brushing, flossing, and rinsing may dislodge the substance that causes the pain. However, if the pain does not stop, there could be an infection.


A fractured or cracked tooth is also painful. This particular dental problem is difficult to pinpoint because it is a hidden problem. If the pain is severe, 24-hour emergency dental services in Nassau County, Long Island will be needed immediately.


If a chipped tooth occurs after an accident, but it usually does not require immediate dental care. However, the tooth should be diagnosed shortly after the accident.


A broken jaw can affect other dental procedures. Ice is great to be used on the affected area because it will reduce the swelling. Visiting an emergency room is highly recommended because the doctors can recommend critical dental procedures.


If you are not sure what to do, but you know you need to do something, give us a call. 877-882-9276

We are here to help.

Have a Toothache?

We are available to help you 24/7 in Nassau County Long Island Dental Emergency!